

Molino66 is a patisserie, pizzeria, bakery operating in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The company management have involved Eden Exit to get advice on their image, since the business trend was not satisfactory.

By working together, we changed the business name (formerly Borgo Favria) in order to convey a more modern mood. Eden Exit suggested "Molino66", where "Molino" (mill) refers to the raw material, while "66" refers to the street number of the venue.

This change involved:
- Company logo
- Labels and business cards
- Product packaging
- Signage and display

We also developed a new website and started a social media strategy on Facebook, which quickly led to reach a large number of fans and triggered the word of mouth. To date, the company is gradually increasing the volume of business and is also selling packaged products outside of their traditional basin.