EU projects dissemination

Eden Exit supports EU companies and universities in developing logo, image and website for EU projects dissemination.

One of the most important requirements for EU fonded projects is dissemination: This is the process of making the results available to stakeholders and to a wider audience. From project start, it's crucial to plan a dissemination strategy that takes into account target audience, purpose, method and timing.

Project calls require a professional look and a meaningful logo. Last but not least, project websites must meet specific requirements in terms of structure and platform, and are also a mean to exchange information across project partners.

All of these activities are often underrated and/or developed in a hurry, resulting in:
- A loss of opportunity, not attracting visitors interested in project results 
- Higher costs, compared to a comprehensive dissemination strategy

Eden Exit experience in EU funded projects is at your service!

We follow six easy steps:

1. We analyse the project
2. We propose you a dissemination strategy
3. We develop project logo and basic image
4. We help you in conveying a professional look to your bid
5. We develop a project website compliant to EU requirements and to you project's need
6. We support you in developing the dissemination strategy actions (such as newsletters, presentations, etc)

We're glad to provide any help in planning and quoting a dissemination strategy for calls such as:
- Horizon 2020 programme
- Consumer programme
- COSME programme
- Justice programme
- REC programme


Call +39 3486622573 or email to Linea

What about pricing?

Pricing might vary from project to project, according to the different needs, languages and so on. However, a medium sized project in 4 languages, including strategy support, logo design, website development and follow on costs on average between €7.000 end €9.000.
Please click on the projects below to see a couple of case studies of our work for EU funded projects.

PROJECTS ABOUT: EU projects dissemination